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Since update to XCode 9.3, I can't archive my project

An interesting thing happened this morning, I updated Xcode to version 9.3, and after that, I can't archive my project. I can build it, run it on the device, but when I try to archive it, I get that I am missing some modules, like Alamofire, etc...

enter image description here

enter image description here

I am using cocoapods as dependency manager. And everything worked fine until this morning. Does anyone have the similar issue?


  • Reset Cocoa Pod

    Remove Pod from your project and add again.


    try sudo pod repo update or pod repo update

    And one more importance thing you must be missing is:

    Set your command line tool version, in your Xcode.

    You can download latest command line tool from Apple Download Portal, if you have paid apple developer account/id.

    Here is current stable Xcode Tools and supporting command line tool download link. (Ensure you'are logged in using premium developer account on Apple Developer Account to access these links)

    Xcode 10

    Xcode 9

    Once you've latest command line tool installed in your system, set it from Xcode Menu.

    (Xcode Menu Items) Xcode ► Preferences ► Location ► Command Line Tool ► Select appropriate command line tool

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Update Alamofire in your pod file.

    Try this: Alamofire Installation

    pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.7'