I would like to use an ngfor to build for each element in the loop one div, with 3 inner divs. These three inner divs have each a span that displays some text from the element (the element is just a json series of key value pairs, and the content of each span is the value of a given key).
I would like to do 2 things:
Give an id to the outer div based on the index in the ngfor plus some string. I couldnt get it to work (see below) by using
Only create one of the divs if the element has a value for the given key (See below) with
This is my code attempt
<div *ngFor="let element of data; index as i" [attr.id]="element-i">
<div><span><b>Element number {{element.key1}}</b></span></div>
<div><span><b>Elmenent value 2:</b>{{element.key2}}</span></div>
<div *ngIf="{{element.key3!=null}}"><span><b>Element value 3:</b>{{element.key3}}</span></div>
Is this possible to do in angular 5?
expression, which is not validTry this
<div *ngFor="let element of data; index as i" [attr.id]="'element-'+i">
, it's expecting an expressionTry that
<div *ngIf="element.key3!=null"><span><b>Element value 3:</b>{{element.key3}}</span></div>