Search code examples

SQL Developer script output to datagrid

In Oracle SQL Developer, I can get simple query results returned in the 'Query Results' grid, but if I need to use variable in script, I need to use the 'Run Script' option and my results show up in 'Script Output' window, and I can't export it to csv format. Here is my sample code:

    var CatCode char(5) ;
    exec :CatCode := 'ZK';
    SELECT * FROM Products WHERE CategoryCode = :CatCode;

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • Here you go you can run this one to be ensure. it's running.

        set colsep ,     -- separate columns with a comma
        set pagesize 0   -- No header rows
        set trimspool on -- remove trailing blanks
        set headsep off  -- this may or may not be useful...depends on your headings.
        set linesize X   -- X should be the sum of the column widths
        set numw X       -- X should be the length you want for numbers (avoid scientific notation on IDs)
        spool C:\Users\**direcotory**\sql\Test1.csv; --this is file path to save data
        var CatCode char(5) ;
        exec :CatCode := 'ZK';
        SELECT * FROM Products WHERE CategoryCode = :CatCode;
        spool off;