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yum install not working from Dockerfile

I was trying to create a Docker Image for ProxySQL . Following is my DockerFile

FROM rhel7:latest
USER root


# Update the image with the latest packages (recommended)
 RUN yum update -y; yum clean all

# Update image
 RUN yum-config-manager --enable proxysql_repo

# Install ProxySQL
 RUN yum install proxysql -y

# Expose ProxySQL Port 6034
  EXPOSE 6034

# Start the service
  CMD /etc/init.d/service start proxysql

I was trying to build the image with below command

 sudo docker build --no-cache -t zama_proxysql .

But I can it is not able to install the proxysql package using yum command as mentioned in Dockerfile . Following is the message below

 Step 6 : RUN yum install proxysql -y
 ---> Running in 54cc1ae88ba3
 Loaded plugins: ovl, product-id, search-disabled-repos, subscription-manager
 No package proxysql available.
 Error: Nothing to do
 The command '/bin/sh -c yum install proxysql -y' returned a non-zero code: 1

If I execute the command yum install proxysql in commandline , it works fine . But from Dockerfile , it could not find the package. Please note that I have already enabled the repo for proxysql in /etc/yum.repos.d

Any suggestions to resolve the issue


  • Try adding the repo manually first instead of using yum-config-manager :

    cat <<EOF | tee /etc/yum.repos.d/proxysql.repo
    name= ProxySQL YUM repository

    This works properly on a FROM centos:7 image.