In order to get all of the functionality of Qt's meta type system, I have to call qRegisterMetaType
at runtime during the initialization of my application. Specifically, I need to register:
-derived classes, i.e. qRegisterMetaType<MyClass *>()
.Currently I do this with a function that just calls qRegisterMetaType
for each one of these that I manually maintain and update as needed.
This, however, is rather inconvenient and error prone for me. I am often forgetful, and forgetting to register a metatype won't produce any compile errors, but it will cause runtime errors when my code tries to use the metatype system and fails because I forgot to register one of these. Sometimes the error can be difficult to track down.
So is there any way I can have all of my QObject
-derived classes and declared metatypes get registered automatically?
Some things that might factor into a solution:
I can't figure out a way to automatically declare a meta type, i.e. without providing the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE
macro in the class header, but one could provide a macro where registration is automatically performed (more or less along with meta type declaration). This example is meant to declare and
register only the pointer type of a given class:
#include <QMetaType>
#define METAID(CLASS) \
static struct CLASS##Metaid \
{ \
CLASS##Metaid() \
{ \
qRegisterMetaType<CLASS*>(); \
} \
} _CLASS##metaid;
The macro above can be used instead of Q_DECLARE_METATYPE
class MyClass : public QObject