I have a class to record video and audio into .mp4 file. I use AVAssetWriter
, AVAssetWriterInput
to do such task
How can I get duration of a video while it's being recorded with such method (AVAssetWriter
You can save start time when you begin startSession
let startTimeStamp = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sample)
fileWriter.startSession(atSourceTime: startTimeStamp)
startTime = Double(startTimeStamp.value) / Double(startTimeStamp.timescale)
than every buffer you will get do this:
let currentTimeStamp = CMSampleBufferGetPresentationTimeStamp(sample)
let currentTime = Double(currentTimeStamp.value) / Double(currentTimeStamp.timescale)
print("Duration - \(currentTime - startTime)")