I am trying to run a regression in Python, but it just takes ages and stops running. In Stata it works and only takes a few seconds.
This is due to a categorical column, including group fixed-effects. Without the variable, the performance of Stata and Python is rather equal, taking around 1 second for 200,000 observations:
Code Stata
reg income height Number_children
Code Python
model = smf.ols(income ~ height + Number_children, data=humans).fit()
Adding the dummy, I change the Stata code to areg
areg income height Number_children, absorb(Village)
It takes only 1-2 seconds longer than without the dummy.
In Python:
model = smf.ols(income ~ height + Number_children + Village, data=humans).fit()
Name: Village, dtype: category
Categories (3678, object):
I stop the regression after 2 minutes of waiting. Is there any idea how to get the code running, and increase the speed to nearly as fast as Stata? Is the problem more caused by the variable or by the regression command?
Based on Dimitriy´s response, I tried this for all variables:
humans["income_gr_m"]= humans["income"].groupby(humans['Village']).mean()
humans["income_star"] = humans["income"] - humans["income_gr_m"] + humans["income"].mean()
However, this also makes Python work like at least 2 minutes (I stopped again). Or should the transformation be performed differently? Thx
is not actually inverting that matrix with 3,677 village indicators like you are doing with Python. It is transforming the data in a way to obviates the need to do that, so it will be much faster. This is also the reason why the constant from regress
with village dummies will not match the constant from areg
, though the slope coefficients should be the same, if you wait for Python to finish.
Here is what areg
does to calculate the coefficients with regress
. The standard errors will too large since I am not doing the degree of freedom adjustment for the 5 absorbed effects, but I will do the adjustment manually below in a loop by multiplying the SEs:
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. drop if missing(rep78)
(5 observations deleted)
. /* (1) transform the data by subtracting the group specific mean and */
. /* adding the grand/overall mean back in for outcome and regressors */
. foreach var of varlist price weight length foreign {
2. bys rep78: egen group_mean = mean(`var')
3. qui sum `var'
4. gen double `var'_star = `var' - group_mean + r(mean)
5. drop group_mean
6. }
. /* (2) Fit the model on transformed data */
. regress price_star weight_star length_star foreign_star
Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 69
-------------+---------------------------------- F(3, 65) = 26.99
Model | 315296838 3 105098946 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 253139578 65 3894455.05 R-squared = 0.5547
-------------+---------------------------------- Adj R-squared = 0.5341
Total | 568436416 68 8359359.06 Root MSE = 1973.4
price_star | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight_star | 6.15521 1.008605 6.10 0.000 4.140885 8.169534
length_star | -100.9268 33.82508 -2.98 0.004 -168.4801 -33.37341
foreign_star | 3394.052 782.454 4.34 0.000 1831.383 4956.72
_cons | 5453.782 3829.487 1.42 0.159 -2194.232 13101.8
. /* (3) Adjust the SEs for DoF */
. foreach coef in weight_star length_star foreign_star _cons {
2. di "Adjusted SE for `coef': " %9.8gc _se[`coef']*sqrt(65/61)
3. }
Adjusted SE for weight_star: 1.041149
Adjusted SE for length_star: 34.91649
Adjusted SE for foreign_star: 807.7009
Adjusted SE for _cons: 3953.05
. /* (4) Make sure areg gives the same output */
. areg price weight length foreign, absorb(rep78)
Linear regression, absorbing indicators Number of obs = 69
F( 3, 61) = 25.33
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.5611
Adj R-squared = 0.5108
Root MSE = 2037.1129
price | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
weight | 6.15521 1.041149 5.91 0.000 4.073303 8.237116
length | -100.9268 34.91649 -2.89 0.005 -170.7466 -31.10692
foreign | 3394.052 807.7009 4.20 0.000 1778.954 5009.149
_cons | 5453.782 3953.05 1.38 0.173 -2450.831 13358.39
rep78 | F(4, 61) = 0.261 0.902 (5 categories)
Stata Code:
sysuse auto, clear
drop if missing(rep78)
/* (1) transform the data by subtracting the group specific mean and */
/* adding the grand/overall mean back in for outcome and regressors */
foreach var of varlist price weight length foreign {
bys rep78: egen group_mean = mean(`var')
qui sum `var'
gen double `var'_star = `var' - group_mean + r(mean)
drop group_mean
/* (2) Fit the model on transformed data */
regress price_star weight_star length_star foreign_star
/* (3) Adjust the SEs for DoF */
foreach coef in weight_star length_star foreign_star _cons {
di "Adjusted SE for `coef': " %9.8gc _se[`coef']*sqrt(65/61)
/* (4) Make sure areg gives the same output */
areg price weight length foreign, absorb(rep78)