I am using Jump/Julia to solve an optimization problem. It is a transportation problem with some source locations and some destinations. Additionally, I have different product types so sending one kind of product from source i to destination j is not same for other kind of product. Usually when the products are homogeneous, I can write a cost matrix in this way
tr =[0 2.82 4.24 5.83 4.12 0;
2.82 0 1.41 3.16 2.23 2.82;
4.24 1.41 0 2 2.23 4.24;
5.83 3.16 2 0 2.23 5.83;
4.12 2.23 2.23 2.23 0 4.12;
0 2.82 4.24 5.83 4.12 0]
It simply means cost of sending one product from i to j. I am trying to find a way to modify the cost matrix when cost of the movement also depends on the type of product. Example c[1,2,3] would mean cost of moving product type 1 from source 2 to destination 3. Thank you.
I may have misunderstood the question, but I think you can do it as follows (assuming 3 products for the sake of illustration):
tr_product_1 = [0 2.82 4.24 5.83 4.12 0;
2.82 0 1.41 3.16 2.23 2.82;
4.24 1.41 0 2 2.23 4.24;
5.83 3.16 2 0 2.23 5.83;
4.12 2.23 2.23 2.23 0 4.12;
0 2.82 4.24 5.83 4.12 0]
cost_matrix = zeros(6,6,3)
cost_matrix[:,:,1] = tr_product_1
Then write 2-dimensional source-destination matrices for the other products (e.g. tr_product_2
and tr_product_3
) and repeat the process. For the sake of illustration I've just used a multiplier:
tr_product_2 = 1.2 * tr_product_1
tr_product_3 = 1.5 * tr_product_1
cost_matrix[:,:,2] = tr_product_2
cost_matrix[:,:,3] = tr_product_3
6×6×3 Array{Float64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.0 2.82 4.24 5.83 4.12 0.0
2.82 0.0 1.41 3.16 2.23 2.82
4.24 1.41 0.0 2.0 2.23 4.24
5.83 3.16 2.0 0.0 2.23 5.83
4.12 2.23 2.23 2.23 0.0 4.12
0.0 2.82 4.24 5.83 4.12 0.0
[:, :, 2] =
0.0 3.384 5.088 6.996 4.944 0.0
3.384 0.0 1.692 3.792 2.676 3.384
5.088 1.692 0.0 2.4 2.676 5.088
6.996 3.792 2.4 0.0 2.676 6.996
4.944 2.676 2.676 2.676 0.0 4.944
0.0 3.384 5.088 6.996 4.944 0.0
[:, :, 3] =
0.0 4.23 6.36 8.745 6.18 0.0
4.23 0.0 2.115 4.74 3.345 4.23
6.36 2.115 0.0 3.0 3.345 6.36
8.745 4.74 3.0 0.0 3.345 8.745
6.18 3.345 3.345 3.345 0.0 6.18
0.0 4.23 6.36 8.745 6.18 0.0
In this case the 3-dimensional matrix is in the form [source, destination, product]
, but I think this works better with the way Julia lays it out.