I'm trying to create a custom grid with columns for Feature Predecessors and Successors.
I've managed to extract the data and display the relevant formatted IDs of the pre+suc in clear text. Now I would like to format these as "standard" FormattedIDs with QDP/click options.
My display looks like this, is this the right path, what should I return in order to have correct formatting?
var myGrid = Ext.create('Ext.Container', {
items: [
xtype: 'rallygrid',
columnCfgs: [
{ // Column 'Successors'
xtype: 'templatecolumn',
tpl: Ext.create('Rally.ui.renderer.template.FormattedIDTemplate'),
dataIndex: 'Successors',
renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
//console.log('Display in renderer: ', record.successorStore);
var mFieldOutputSuc = '';
var i;
var mDependency;
for (i = 0; i < record.successorStore.getCount(); i++) {
mDependency = record.successorStore.getAt(i);
console.log('mDependency = ', mDependency);
mFieldOutputSuc = mFieldOutputSuc + mDependency.get('FormattedID') + '<br>'; // Correct return value?
return mFieldOutputSuc;
}, //renderer: function(value, metaData, record) {
}, // Column 'Successors'
I'd check out this utility method: https://help.rallydev.com/apps/2.1/doc/#!/api/Rally.nav.DetailLink-method-getLink
You should be able to just put that in there where you have your //Correct return value?
mFieldOutputSuc += Rally.nav.DetailLink.getLink({
record: mDependency
There are some more config options you can pass as well, to customize the link further, but I think that should get you started...