I am indexing an id from a look-up-table in my sphinx configuration
sql_attr_multi = uint customer_type_id from ranged-query; \
SELECT f.orderID AS ID, f.typeID \
FROM LUT_customerType f \
WHERE f.orderID BETWEEN \$start AND \$end \
ORDER BY f.orderID; \
SELECT MIN(orderID), MAX(orderID) FROM LUT_customerType
this returns, for example, in a given field:
customer_type_id: 3,5.15
As the LUT table simply stores orderID
and typeID
However, I now want to index the Type Name (I was using MySql to query it but this will be more efficient I hope).
I tried doing this:
sql_joined_field = customer_type_name from ranged-query; \
SELECT f.orderID AS ID, n.Name \
FROM LUT_customerType f \
INNER JOIN customerType_Names n ON f.typeID= n.ID \
AND f.orderID BETWEEN \$start AND \$end \
ORDER BY f.orderID; \
SELECT MIN(orderID), MAX(orderID) FROM LUT_customerType
In other words, I replicated the working MVA
with two minor changes:
I tried the Select
in MySql and it works as expected.
Yet neither the field nor values show up, not in individual records when selecting from SphinxQL
`Select * from idx_Table`
Nor when checking the Sphinx Index Structure
`Desc idx_Table`
Well sql_joined_field
is making a Field ... fields are full-text searchable fields.
THey are NOT stored in the index, in such a way they can be 'retrieved' (only used in queries).
Attributes on the other hand, like MVA, are retrievable, as they stored by document-id.
Sphinx doesn't have a Multi-Value String Attribute, or even scalar string Attribute that can be built with a 'query' (like mva/joined-field).
if want a joined string attribute use GROUP_CONCAT
mysql aggregation function, in the main sql_query
- along with a GROUP BY
can also parse a comma seperated string, eg built with GROUP_CONCAT from a field in the main sql_query
. So can build both the mva and joined-string-attribute, in the main query, without needing seperate query)
For example...
sql_query = SELECT o.orderID, description, \
GROUP_CONCAT(f.typeID) as customer_type_id, \
GROUP_CONCAT(n.Name SEPERATOR ' ' ORDER BY n.ID) AS customer_type_name \
FROM orders o \
LEFT JOIN LUT_customerType f ON (f.orderID = o.orderID) \
LEFT JOIN customerType_Names n ON (f.typeID= n.ID) \
GROUP BY o.orderID \
sql_attr_multi = uint customer_type_id from field;
sql_field_string = customer_type_name
(could use sql_attr_string
instead, if only want attribute, dont actully want it as a field too)
... in practice, possibly make it a ranged query too, like your small query was.
Also note the ORDER BY inside the GROUP_CONCAT. As sphinx will internall reorder the MVA into numerical order, this ensures that the text attribute has the same ordering.