In a scenario where I don't know the name of the time zone area, I need to get the current time in a specific timezone
. Basically, I need a method where I will pass the UTC
value of timezone and expect the return as the current time of the area.
the method which I need should be like`
def get_current_time(utc_value):
return current_time
print (get_current_time("+05:30"))`
And I expect it should give me the current time of UTC
+5:30 timezone.
How to do it?
from pytz import all_timezones, timezone
from datetime import datetime
def get_cuurent_time(utc_value):
for zone in all_timezones:
tz = timezone(zone)
if utc_value in str(
print (get_cuurent_time("+05:30"))
I made it, bother not :), but if there is any other way also, please let me know.