I want to change the color of the icon when I click on the tab icon, but the scene moves but the color doesn't change. If the code doesn't solve it, it's a good idea to show you a new way. here is my code...
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Router, Scene, Tabs } from 'react-native-router-flux';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
import LoginScreen from './screens/LoginScreen';
import Home from './screens/second/Home';
import Market from './screens/second/Market';
import Promotion from './screens/second/Promotion';
import Setting from './screens/second/Setting';
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'
class TabIcon extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
color={this.props.selected ? '#000000' : '#808080'}
export default class Main extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Scene key="root">
<Scene key="loginScreen" component={LoginScreen} animation='fade' hideNavBar={true} initial={true} />
<Tabs key="tabbar" showLabel={false} lazy={true} showIcon={true} tabBarPosition='bottom'>
<Scene key="tab1" title="tab1" iconName={'home'} icon={TabIcon} >
<Scene key="Home" component={Home} hideNavBar={true} initial />
<Scene key="tab2" title="tab2" iconName={'bullhorn'} icon={TabIcon} >
<Scene key="Market" component={Market} hideNavBar={true} initial />
<Scene key="tab3" title="tab3" iconName={'shopping-cart'} icon={TabIcon} >
<Scene key="Promotion" component={Promotion} hideNavBar={true} initial />
<Scene key="tab4" title="tab3" iconName={'cog'} icon={TabIcon} >
<Scene key="Setting" component={Setting} hideNavBar={true} initial />
help me!
Change this.props.selected
to this.props.focused
Refer from this project
TabIcon Component
const TabIcon = ({ icon, focused }) => (
color={focused ? AppColors.tabbar.iconSelected : AppColors.tabbar.iconDefault}
Tab Route
<Tabs hideNavBar>
<Stack title="Recipes" icon={TabIcon('search')} headerMode="float">
<Scene component={ListingView} />
<Scene key="recipeView" component={RecipeView} back />
<Scene title="Coming Soon" component={Placeholder} icon={TabIcon('timeline')} />
<Scene title="Example Error" component={Error} icon={TabIcon('error')} />
<Scene title="Style Guide" component={StyleGuide} icon={TabIcon('speaker-notes')} />