in template I have a table where I want if entry .status === "applied with errors" then it should return a link (with anchor tag> otherwise just a conext. I m trying with below code but its giving me error- Template parse error.
Any help.
<ng-container *ngFor="let entry of Entries;let idx=index">
<td *ngIf="{{entry.status == Applied with Errors}} ?
'<a>{{ entry.status }}</a>' : '{{ entry.status }}'">
Your question is vague, Based on my understanding I suggest you Show an alternative template using else
<ng-container *ngFor="let entry of Entries;let idx=index">
<td *ngIf="entry.status ==='Applied with Errors'; else elseblock">
<a>{{ entry.status }}</a></td>
<ng-template #elseblock>
<td> {{entry.status}} </td>