Assuming we have such documented string
/** retrieve a state of the service
* <br/> HTTP code 200 - normal state
* <br/> HTTP code 403 - some recoverable state:
const val SERVICE_STATE = "servicestate" */
There are several <br/>
here, which i used to break a line, like i do in java, but output of AndroidStudio (seems same in InteliJIdea) is
with java it is parsed & displayed correctly:
/** retrieve a state of the service
* <br/> HTTP code 200 - normal state
* <br/> HTTP code 403 - some recoverable state */
public static final String SERVICE_STATE = "servicestate";
Can i somehow achieve the same with kotlin & IntelijIdea, maybe kotlin has another option to break the line in KDoc?
The KDoc format uses Markdown syntax instead of HTML, and basic Markdown does not provide a way to break the line without starting a new paragraph.
I'm not sure why the Kotlin IntellIJ plugin does not support <br/>
or the double space hack.
If starting a new paragraph is OK, just skip an empty line:
* retrieve a state of the service
* HTTP code 200 - normal state
* HTTP code 403 - some recoverable state:
The result is: