I already checked this: Why won't zend 2 http verify my ssl cert?
I am still getting this error:
Warning: file_get_contents(): Unable to set verify locations '/var/www/duo-security/id_rsa' '(null)' in /var/www/duo-security/FileRequester.php
I made sure that Apache user can read this file by doing this:
sudo www-data
nano /var/www/duo-security/security.pub
This is what I am doing:
$context = Array
[http] => Array
[timeout] => 10
[method] => POST
[header] => Array
[0] => Date: Tue, 31 Nov 3015 12:40:19 +0530
[1] => Host: api-xxxxxx.duosecurity.com
[2] => Authorization: Basic REmQV1o0SEEyLzZFS2FWMDUzUFc6ZmMwZGM5ZDUxOWI4ZjY1ZDI2NTIwYWNmYjhiYTk2N2VlOTI4OTc0OA==
[3] => Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[4] => Content-Length: 40
[content] => username=userid
[ssl] => Array
[allow_self_signed] => 1
[cafile] => /var/www/path/security.pub
[verify_peer] => 1
[verify_peer_name] => 1
It happens because the path to the certificate file is invalid. Try changing the param "cafile" or make sure the security.pub is a valid certificate.