How do I add local jar files (not yet part of the Maven repository) directly in my project's library sources?
Install the JAR into your local Maven repository (typically .m2
in your home folder) as follows:
mvn install:install-file \
-Dfile=<path-to-file> \
-DgroupId=<group-id> \
-DartifactId=<artifact-id> \
-Dversion=<version> \
-Dpackaging=<packaging> \
Where each refers to:
: the path to the file to load e.g → c:\kaptcha-2.3.jar
: the group that the file should be registered under e.g →
: the artifact name for the file e.g → kaptcha
: the version of the file e.g → 2.3
: the packaging of the file e.g. → jar