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Keras replacing input layer

The code that I have (that I can't change) uses the Resnet with my_input_tensor as the input_tensor.

model1 = keras.applications.resnet50.ResNet50(input_tensor=my_input_tensor, weights='imagenet')

Investigating the source code, ResNet50 function creates a new keras Input Layer with my_input_tensor and then create the rest of the model. This is the behavior that I want to copy with my own model. I load my model from h5 file.

model2 = keras.models.load_model('my_model.h5')

Since this model already has an Input Layer, I want to replace it with a new Input Layer defined with my_input_tensor.

How can I replace an input layer?


  • When you saved your model using:'my_model.h5')

    it will save following:

    1. The architecture of the model, allowing to create the model.
    2. The weights of the model.
    3. The training configuration of the model (loss, optimizer).
    4. The state of the optimizer, allowing training to resume from where you left before.

    So then, when you load the model:

    res50_model = load_model('my_model.h5')

    you should get the same model back, you can verify the same using:


    Now you can, pop the input layer and add your own using:


    add new input layer:

    newInput = Input(batch_shape=(0,299,299,3))    # let us say this new InputLayer
    newOutputs = res50_model(newInput)
    newModel = Model(newInput, newOutputs)