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Logstash new field from other field with regex

From string

""message" => "27.03.2018 07:53:39 [ERROR] at MyApp.Controllers.Controller.OnException: \nMessage: Controller exception!\nUser: TestUser  \nHost: MyLaptop\n\nSystem.Exception: Testing\n   at MyApp.Controllers.DoController.Do() in C:\\Users\\User\\Source\\Controllers\\DoController.cs:line 20\n   at lambda_method(Closure , ControllerBase , Object[] )\n   at System.Web.Mvc.ReflectedActionDescriptor.Execute(ControllerContext controllerContext, IDictionary`2 parameters)\n"" 

I am trying to match the "\n User \n" and put it into new field called User. With gsub I can mutate it fine with the following conf:

        mutate {
            gsub => [
                "message", "[\n]^User.*\n", "changed"

But putting that into grok results in grokparsefailure. How can I use that in grok?


  • I ended up with:

    grok { 
         match => { 
            "message" => "User:%{GREEDYDATA:user}\n" 

    This seems to be matching everything between "User:" and "\n"