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Context Root is not working in Internet Explorer 11 version

My local host (http://localhost:8080/) is working fine with Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) version. But context root (http://localhost:8080/context-root) is not working??

While opening the product through IE11 the http://localhost:8080/context-root, its not showing any page, it's simply showing blank page. In that there is showing below two errors

SCRIPT1003: Expected ':'

File: context.js, Line: 1980, Column: 50

                        iframe = $('<iframe src="' + jsFalse + '" name="' + name + '" style="display:none"></iframe>');
                        form.attr('accept-charset', 'utf-8');
                        iframe.bind("load", {form,collider} ,winLoader);

This line(iframe.bind("load", {form,collider} ,winLoader);) was mentioned in the error and another error is

SCRIPT5009: '$' is undefined

File: default.js, Line: 1, Column: 1

$(function () {

But the same localhost cite is working fine with chrome and Mozilla. Can anyone help me on this. I'm new with the ember. Thanks in advance


  • This {form, collider} is not correct syntax.
    If it should be an object as key/value pair it'd be {form: collider}.