I am using Django everyday now for three month and it is really great. Fast web application development.
I have still one thing that I cannot do exactly how I want to. It is the SelectField and SelectMultiple Field.
I want to be able to put some args to an option of a Select.
I finally success with the optgroup :
class EquipmentField(forms.ModelChoiceField):
def __init__(self, queryset, **kwargs):
super(forms.ModelChoiceField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.queryset = queryset
group = None
list = []
self.choices = []
for equipment in queryset:
if not group:
group = equipment.type
if group != equipment.type:
self.choices.append((group.name, list))
group = equipment.type
list = []
list.append((equipment.id, equipment.name))
But for another ModelForm, I have to change the background color of every option, using the color property of the model.
Do you know how I can do that ?
Thank you.
has been removed from Django 1.11 onwards. This is what I did to achieve this. A little bit of digging and this seems straightforward and neat. Works with Django 2.0+
class CustomSelect(forms.Select):
def __init__(self, attrs=None, choices=()):
self.custom_attrs = {}
super().__init__(attrs, choices)
def create_option(self, name, value, label, selected, index, subindex=None, attrs=None):
index = str(index) if subindex is None else "%s_%s" % (index, subindex)
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}
option_attrs = self.build_attrs(self.attrs, attrs) if self.option_inherits_attrs else {}
if selected:
if 'id' in option_attrs:
option_attrs['id'] = self.id_for_label(option_attrs['id'], index)
# setting the attributes here for the option
if len(self.custom_attrs) > 0:
if value in self.custom_attrs:
custom_attr = self.custom_attrs[value]
for k, v in custom_attr.items():
option_attrs.update({k: v})
return {
'name': name,
'value': value,
'label': label,
'selected': selected,
'index': index,
'attrs': option_attrs,
'type': self.input_type,
'template_name': self.option_template_name,
class MyModelChoiceField(ModelChoiceField):
# custom method to label the option field
def label_from_instance(self, obj):
# since the object is accessible here you can set the extra attributes
if hasattr(obj, 'type'):
self.widget.custom_attrs.update({obj.pk: {'type': obj.type}})
return obj.get_display_name()
The form:
class BookingForm(forms.ModelForm):
customer = MyModelChoiceField(required=True,
widget=CustomSelect(attrs={'class': 'chosen-select'}))
The output which I needed is as:
<select name="customer" class="chosen-select" required="" id="id_customer">
<option value="" selected="">---------</option>
<option value="242" type="CNT">AEC Transcolutions Private Limited</option>
<option value="243" type="CNT">BBC FREIGHT CARRIER</option>
<option value="244" type="CNT">Blue Dart Express Limited</option>