I have a sample query which basically loop through payments and output the below result. I need to add a new column sequence number and populate sequence values. How can I achieve that.
1235645 credit-card VISA 325.4800 1
1235645 gift-card CD 325.4800 2
1235645 gift-card MC 325.4800 3
** expected result: Sequence number last column above:
N'<order xmlns="somenamspace/2006-10-31" order-no="1235645">
<customer-name>abcd abcd</customer-name>
<customer-email>[email protected]</customer-email>
WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT N'somenamspace/2006-10-31')
@xml.value(N'(/order/@order-no)[1]',N'int') AS OrderNumber,
p.value(N'local-name(.)',N'nvarchar(max)') AS PaymentType,
p.value(N'(card-type/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS CardType,
p.value(N'(../amount/text())[1]','decimal(10,4)') AS Amount
@xml.nodes(N'/order/payments/payment/*[local-name()!="amount"]') AS A(p)
Might be it's this you are looking for:
WITH XMLNAMESPACES(DEFAULT N'somenamspace/2006-10-31')
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY p.value(N'local-name(.)',N'nvarchar(max)') ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) AS SequenceNumber,
@xml.value(N'(/order/@order-no)[1]',N'int') AS OrderNumber,
p.value(N'local-name(.)',N'nvarchar(max)') AS PaymentType,
p.value(N'(card-type/text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') AS CardType,
p.value(N'(../amount/text())[1]','decimal(10,4)') AS Amount
@xml.nodes(N'/order/payments/payment/*[local-name()!="amount"]') AS A(p)
You can remove the PARTITION BY p.value(N'local-name(.)',N'nvarchar(max)')
. With this it will restart the counter for each PaymentType
, without this, you'd just get your payments numbered from 1 to n.