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Wildfly Injection depending on Condition (system-property)

I am working with Wildfly atm and I am trying to get into @Annotations. Having several implementations for some interfaces I want my application to pick a certain implementation depending on some condition (depending on a system-property, specified in my standalone.xml).

Can you point me to some hints to read up how to achieve such behaviour.

I don't want to directly specify the implementation as an @Alternative, since i want to bundle various injections with some system-property settings.


    <property name="env" value="stage"/>


public interface LoginServerDao {
    public String test();

Implementation 1

@MyCustomConditionalAnnotation(env = "live")
public class LoginServerDaoImpl implements LoginServerDao  {
    public String test() {
        return "live";

Implementation 2

@MyCustomConditionalAnnotation(env = "stage")
public class DummyLoginServerDaoImpl implements LoginServerDao  {
    public String test() {
        return "dummy";

Annotation Interface

public @interface MyCustomConditionalAnnotation {

    String env() default "test";



I really appreciate any help with this (or refering to some completely different solution/pattern I might not even have thought about).

Thanks in advance!


  • I finally found the solution to my problem!


    Found the answer on stackoverflow here: Disable @Alternative classes

    @Cassio Mazzochi Molin explained under Writing your own alternative stereotype