My Current MKMapView is:
But when I zoom in I want to change Pin Image to this:
and again zoom out change to default violet circle.
I just want to change Pin Image when user zoom In/Out MKMapView in iOS Swift 4. Thanks In Advance! Happy Coding!
Step 1. First of all you need to get information which pin/annotation display on you map.
Objective c
NSSet *annotationSet = [myMapView annotationsInMapRect:myMapView.annotationVisibleRect];
NSArray *annotationArray = [annotationSet allObjects];
extension MKMapView {
func visibleAnnotations() -> [MKAnnotation] {
return self.annotationsInMapRect(self.visibleMapRect).map { obj -> MKAnnotation in return obj as! MKAnnotation }
Step 2. You will have delegate method will call on zoom in/out regionDidChangeAnimated
. just call the as above function. And update the Your pin.
func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
print("call on zoom and zoom out ")
let aryData = mapView.visibleAnnotations()
//remove pin from this coordinate
//And add new pin as you want
Here you can just find the pin. And remove old pin and add new pin as you want.