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How to switch from one native to another native app using Appium?

I have to switch to another native application from runtime native application. Tried with below the mentioned startActivty() methods:

driver.startActivity(settingsAppPackageName, settingsAppActivityName); 


driver.startActivity(new Activity("package.activityname"));

Using appium desktop with v1.4.1 any solution from automation geeks would be appreciated.


  • Finally, found a solution for it.

    static void launchSecurityXxxApp(AppiumDriver<AndroidElement> driver) throws MalformedURLException {
        String appPackage="";
        String appActivity="";
        Activity activity = new Activity(appPackage, appActivity);
        ((AndroidDriver<AndroidElement>) driver).startActivity(activity);
        driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);