I'm trying to create a tags list in Jekyll. Some of the tags are "accessibility", "CSS", and "JavaScript". So my Jekyll code to create the list looks like this:
{% for item in (0..site.tags.size) %}{% unless forloop.last %}
{% capture this_word %}{{ tag_words[item] }}{% endcapture %}
<a href="#{{ this_word | cgi_escape }}" class="tag">{{ this_word }}
<span>({{ site.tags[this_word].size }})</span>
{% endunless %}{% endfor %}
However, the rending of the list isn't alphabetical. It's first case-sensitive, capital words first; so my example tags above are rendered in this order:
Is there a way to make the sorted list case-insensitive?
There is a sort_natural
filter in liquid, but it doesn't work with site.tags
The trick is to generate an array with all tags names
{% comment %} Creates an empty array {% endcomment %}
{% assign tags = "" | split:"" %}
{% comment %}Creates an array of tags names{% endcomment %}
{% for t in site.tags %}
{% assign tags = tags | push: t[0] %}
{% endfor %}
Sort them naturally (case insensitive)
{% assign sorted_tags = tags | sort_natural %}
Based on this sort, print tags counts
{% for t in sorted_tags %}
<li>{{ t }} : {{ site.tags[t].size }}</li>
{% endfor %}