I recently updated one of my views and URLs to take an additional parameter and now that I have done this the page which is rendered displays with no css or javascript because the static path is wrong.
I am obviously not understanding correctly how static is served however I didn't think that changing the URL confs would change the path that Django would look for static. All my static for the whole site is in the one place.
url(r'^fill/(.*)/(.*)/$', views.fill_survey, name='unique_getfile'),
url(r'^fill/(.*)', views.fill_survey, name='unique_getfile'),
and here is my view ... first block executes for the first url match and the second block executes for the bottom url
def fill_survey(request, unique_url, new_name="blank"):
get file or redirect to error page
if len(unique_url) < 50:
if unique_url == "new":
firstlast = new_name.split(" ")
c = Client.objects.get(firstname=firstlast[0], lastname=firstlast[1])
survey_url_number = generate_survey(request, c.email)
response = Survey.objects.get(number=survey_url_number['number'])
return render(request, 'survey/survey.html', {'survey': response})
response = Survey.objects.get(number=unique_url)
return render(request, 'survey/survey.html', {'survey': response})
The rendered page then has the following static paths for the first and second url match respectively:
Paths in my template like:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../static/classic/global/css/bootstrap.min.css">
Why are these different URLs leading to different static paths?
Thanks in advance!
Here's the relevant docs but by default Django only looks for static resources in /static/
folder or its subfolders. You can define a list of static file directories in your settings file if you want though.
EDIT: Response to comment.
Can I see your template? Also, I'd try changing all your urls to end in a /$
EDIT: Response to posted template. I use the static tag rather than the absolute. I.E.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static "/css/bootstrap-3.3.7.min.css" %}">
This way if we mess with the location of our templates we don't ned to go back and change all the templates .
A couple thought about your html:
Since it doesn't start with /
it's pointing to the a folder within the current folder.
With a /
it points to the path at the root of your current web.
See https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_filepaths.asp
Regarding why I end my addresses in /$
. Here's a good answer.
Why django urls end with a slash?
I wish I had a clearer answer for you but try the trailing /
in the url and the leading /
or {% static %}
in your template.