I am trying to make a basic compiler parse and interpret a simple made up programming language. I have my context free grammar created, and have tried to implement it in YACC, but I keep getting '6 fules never reduced'. Here are my productions in the yacc file
start : program
program: ID 'is' compound_statement
compound_statement: BEGIN statement_loop END; {;}
statement_loop: statement statement_loop
| statement
statement: ID '=' expr ';'
| ID'=' STRING_LIT ';'
| PRINT value_loop ';'
value_loop: value '.' value_loop
| value
| expr
expr: term_loop
| '-' term_loop
term_loop: term
| term '+' term_loop
| term '-' term_loop
term: factor_loop
factor_loop: factor_loop
| factor '*' factor_loop
| factor '/' factor_loop
declaration: INT id_loop
| STRING id_loop
id_loop: ID
| id_loop ','
factor: INT_CONST
| ID
'(' expr ')'
has no non-recursive production, so it cannot ever produce anything. You probably meant the first production to be factor_loop: factor
Since factor_loop
can't produce anything, all of the productions which rely on factor_loop
are also useless.
There are a number of other problems with that grammar, so other error messages are likely. I don't see anything which would cause reduce-reduce conflicts, which makes me wonder whether what you provided was the complete literal grammar file.
Some of the issues:
In program
, 'is'
is not a valid single-character token.
There is a stray semicolon after the END
in compound_statement
is not used anywhere.
produces an ID
followed by any number of commas. So a,,,,
is a valid id_loop
but not a, b, c
I'm pretty sure you are missing a |
at the beginning if the third line of factor
There is way too much right recursion. In some cases, this only produces excess parser stack usage, but it is particularly serious for arithmetic operators because it makes right-associative and they aren't.
In particular, it parses 1 - 2 - 3
as 1 - (2 - 3)
instead of the correct (1 - 2) - 3
Unary minus has far too high a precedence. You will end up parsing -2 + 6
as though it had been written -(2 + 6)
, so the result will be -8 instead of 4.