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Create procedure to execute query in PostgreSQL

Maybe it's not new case, but I'm stack about it. This is the procedure that I use to run query, it run normally in MySQL, but not in PostgreSQL and I don't know how to do that. The procedure(in MySQL) looks like :

CREATE PROCEDURE runstatement(IN statement TEXT)
  SET @s = statement; 
  IF LENGTH(@s) <> 0 THEN PREPARE stmt FROM @s; 
    EXECUTE stmt; 
  END IF; 

The questions:

  1. How do I convert it to PostgreSQL version?
  2. How do I call this procedure(runstatement) when I need it in another procedure? In MySQL I know as CALL runstatement(param).

Thanks for each reply. I'm new in database programming especially PostgreSQL.


  • This technique is named dynamic SQL. PLpgSQL has EXECUTE statement for this case. Probably is useless to write special function just for this, because EXECUTE is one line command.

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION runstatement(statement TEXT)
    RETURNS void AS $$
      IF statement <> '' THEN
        EXECUTE statement;
      END IF;
    $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    Probably test on empty string is bad design. This case should not to be. Assert is better there.

    This function can be called:

    SELECT runstatement(''); -- outside plpgsql


    PERFORM runstatement('') -- inside plpgsql

    See related part in documentation.