I have a bytearray that is pulled from redis.
r.set('a', '')
r.setbit('a', 0, 1)
r.setbit('a', 1, 1)
r.setbit('a', 12, 1)
a_raw = db.get('a')
# b'\xc0\x08'
a_bin = bin(int.from_bytes(a, byteorder="big"))
# 0b1100000000001000
I want to use that bytearray to select rows from an ndarray.
arr = np.arange(12)
# array([0, 1, 12])
Edit Both solutions work, but I found @paul-panzer's to be faster
import timeit
setup = '''import numpy as np; a = b'\\xc0\\x08'; '''
t1 = timeit.timeit('idx = np.unpackbits(np.frombuffer(a, np.uint8)); np.where(idx)',
setup = setup, number=10000)
t2 = timeit.timeit('idx = np.array(list(bin(int.from_bytes(a, byteorder="big"))[2:])) == "1"; np.where(idx)',
setup = setup, number=10000)
print(t1, t2)
#0.019560601096600294 0.054518797900527716
Edit 2 Actually, the from_bytes
method doesn't return what I'm looking for:
redis_db.setbit('timeit_test', 12666, 1)
redis_db.setbit('timeit_test', 14379, 1)
by = redis_db.get('timeit_test')
idx = np.unpackbits(np.frombuffer(by, np.uint8))
indices = np.where(idx)
idx = np.array(list(bin(int.from_bytes(by, byteorder="big"))[2:])) == "1"
indices_2 = np.where(idx)
print(indices, indices_2)
#(array([12666, 14379]),) (array([ 1, 1714]),)
Here is a way using unpackbits
>>> a = b'\xc0\x08'
>>> b = np.arange(32).reshape(16, 2)
>>> c = np.arange(40).reshape(20, 2)
>>> idx = np.unpackbits(np.frombuffer(a, np.uint8))
# if the sizes match boolen indexing can be used
>>> b[idx.view(bool)]
array([[ 0, 1],
[ 2, 3],
[24, 25]])
# non matching sizes can be worked around using where
>>> c[np.where(idx)]
array([[ 0, 1],
[ 2, 3],
[24, 25]])