I have some Images and PDFs, which are available via their respective S3 URLs. I want to attach these documents to the emails I am sending using the native Django Emailer.
Is there any way I can do so without downloading the Documents on the servers and then attaching them, as it creates an overhead od deleting the documents post Email sent. Also, I don't want to give out the URLs in the Emails hence Images can't be embedded as a part of the HTML in the email.
Im using
Python 2.7
Django 1.9
DRF 3.4
Assuming your file is stored as a normal file field with s3 path, then you can do the following:
message = EmailMessage(subject, body, from_email, recipient_list)
message.attach(FILENAME, xyzmodel.abcfilefield.read())
from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
yourfile = default_storage.open(files3_url, 'r')
email.attach(yourfile_name, yourfile.read())
Hope it will solve your problem !!