I am hoping to see if anyone knows anything about this issue and any potential workarounds.
I am using ArcGIS runtime SDK for Qt (100.2).The issue is that if a mapview with a map inside of it is created and later destroyed it crashes with the below message:
ASSERT failure in QCoreApplication::sendEvent: "Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread. Current thread 0x0x174329f60. Receiver '' (of type 'QRTImpl::LocationDisplayImpl') was created in thread 0x0x17001d940", file kernel/qcoreapplication .cpp, line 563
This does not happen on Mac or Android. The usecase I have for this is creating a map in a component loaded up in a stackView. When I navigate away from that component the stackview kills the mapview which causes the crash. I created an Empty ArcGIS qml app for testing this issue in a more simple way by showing the map in a loader with a button that "unloads" it. See the bottom of the post for a simple example.
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
import Esri.ArcGISRuntime 100.2
ApplicationWindow {
id: appWindow
width: 800
height: 600
title: "IosMapTest"
Rectangle {
id: backgroundRect
anchors.fill: parent
color: "red"
Loader {
id: mapLoader
anchors.fill: parent
// add a mapView component
sourceComponent: MapView {
anchors.fill: parent
// set focus to enable keyboard navigation
focus: true
// add a map to the mapview
Map {
// add the BasemapTopographic basemap to the map
BasemapTopographic {}
Button {
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
text: "click here for crash"
onClicked: mapLoader.sourceComponent = undefined
This appears to be a bug in ArcGIS Runtime, so I logged a bug for this in our system. The only ways I can think to work around it are to not create/destroy the pages every time you navigate the stack.