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Php Remove page from existing pdf file

What is the easiest way to remove one page (ie. the last page) from a local pdf file using php? I have around 100 files, and each one needs to have its last page dropped. Optimally, I want to replace the file with a file of the same name that is just one page shorter.


  • You can use FPDI


    pdf = new FPDI();
    $pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('document.pdf');
    //  Array of pages to skip -- modify this to fit your needs
    $skipPages = [3,15,17,22];
    //  Add all pages of source to new document
    for( $pageNo=1; $pageNo<=$pageCount; $pageNo++ )
        //  Skip undesired pages
        if( in_array($pageNo,$skipPages) )
        //  Add page to the document
        $templateID = $pdf->importPage($pageNo);

    You can delete de last page using the array size easily.