I would like to compare simple logistic regressions models where each model considers a specified set of features only. I would like to perform comparisons of these regression models on resamples of the data.
The R package mlr
allows me to select columns at the task level using dropFeatures
. The code would be something like:
full_task = makeClassifTask(id = "full task", data = my_data, target = "target")
reduced_task = dropFeatures(full_task, setdiff( getTaskFeatureNames(full_task), list_feat_keep))
Then I can do benchmark experiments where I have a list of tasks.
lrn = makeLearner("classif.logreg", predict.type = "prob")
rdesc = makeResampleDesc(method = "Bootstrap", iters = 50, stratify = TRUE)
bmr = benchmark(lrn, list(full_task, reduced_task), rdesc, measures = auc, show.info = FALSE)
How can I generate a learner that only considers a specified set of features. As far as I know the filter or selection methods always apply some statistical procedure but do not allow to select the features directly. Thank you!
The first solution is lazy and also not optimal because the filter calculation is still carried out:
task = sonar.task
sel.feats = c("V1", "V10")
lrn = makeLearner("classif.logreg", predict.type = "prob")
lrn.reduced = makeFilterWrapper(learner = lrn, fw.method = "variance", fw.abs = 2, fw.mandatory.feat = sel.feats)
bmr = benchmark(list(lrn, lrn.reduced), task, cv3, measures = auc, show.info = FALSE)
The second one uses the preprocessing wrapper to filter the data and should be the fastest solution and is also more flexible:
lrn.reduced.2 = makePreprocWrapper(
learner = lrn,
train = function(data, target, args) list(data = data[, c(sel.feats, target)], control = list()),
predict = function(data, target, args, control) data[, sel.feats]
bmr = benchmark(list(lrn, lrn.reduced.2), task, cv3, measures = auc, show.info = FALSE)