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Use Python 3.6.4 to download image and create folder by book id


There are 4 jpg files in one book id.

There are 749 - 826 book id

The last urls are

I try use two "for loops and while loops" to get all url , but always failure.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

base_url = ""

page = "/page-"

jpg = ".jpg"

for bookid in range(749,827):
    url = base_url + str(bookid) + page
    for n in range(1,5):
        u = url + str(n) + jpg
        print (u)

The logic is that I wanna get 1 book id and 1-4 jpg, then create a folder by book id. Move 1-4 pages to folder one by one.


  • import urllib
    import os 
    book_ids = list(range(749 ,827))
    page_ids = ["page-1.jpg","page-2.jpg","page-3.jpg","page-4.jpg"]
    all_url = []
    base_url =""
    for book_id in book_ids:
        books =[]
        for page_id in page_ids:
    for data in all_url:
       directory ="new/"+str(data.keys()[0])
       if not os.path.exists(directory):
       count = 0
       for urls in data.items()[0][1]:
          #print urls
          filename = page_ids[count]
          #print filename
          fullfilename = os.path.join(directory, filename)
          urllib.urlretrieve(urls, fullfilename)
          count= count+1

    now you have all url with corresponding book id now it will download if there is some content hope it helps