I'm signing my nwjs
app and package it with a productbuild
When I install the app it shows up under Applications and works, but it's name in the Finder is still nwjs
. How can I change this to my app's name?
Signing script:
identity="3rd Party Mac Developer Application: my comp..."
rm -f "$app/Icon^M"
rm -r -f "$app/.idea"
echo "### signing libraries"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/libffmpeg.dylib"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Framework.framework/libnode.dylib"
echo "### signing frameworks"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Framework.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/AlertNotificationService.xpc"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Framework.framework/Versions/A/Helpers/crashpad_handler"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Framework.framework/nwjs Framework"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Framework.framework/Helpers/crashpad_handler"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs Helper"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186/nwjs Helper.app/"
echo "### sing osx folder"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs"
echo "### signing app"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app"
It signs without errors and I can open the signed app, it works. Then package it:
productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: mycomp..." --component "nwjs.app" /Applications --product "nwjs.app/Contents/Info.plist" MyApp.pkg
When I install the resulting pkg, the app shows up under Applications and works well. But its name in the Finder is still nwjs, no matter what I try to change in the following three info.plists:
Bundle display name
Bundle name
Bundle identifier
Contents/Versions/57.0.2987.133/nwjs Helper.app/Contents/Info.plist
Changes in the last one makes the app crash at start up.
os: mac high Sierra 10.13.3
First of all to use the sign script (written by me ;) ) you need to change the paths. Contents/Versions/64.0.3282.186 has to be changed to the path of the version you have. I guess Contents/Versions/57.0.2987.133/
If you want to change the name you might also have to change. Contents/Resources/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings - CFBundleDisplayName I deleted it.
Apple does not recognize that immediately. To speed this up you can go to the terminal and do the following command. "touch your_app.app" Apple resets the know parameters for this app now.
If you want to change the name of the nwjs helper.app you have to do the following.
Add a product string to you package.json with the name like this (Important: DO NOT ADD THE STRING HELPER)
"name": "your_app",
"version": "0.0.1",
"main": "index.html",
"window": {
"width": 1150,
"height": 650,
"show_in_taskbar": true
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"product_string": "your_app", //THIS IS WHAT YOU ADD
"dependencies": {
Contents/Versions/n.n.n.n/nwjs Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs Helper - rename the file to ‘your_app Helper’
You might also have to do the touch command for the ...helper.app but usually u don't.
For more Infos look a http://docs.nwjs.io/en/latest/For%20Users/Package%20and%20Distribute/ Section Mac OS X