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Rails server on AWS hosting

I have hosted a rails application on AWS. Every time I want to access my website, I have to go through some steps which are quite repetitive.

1. ssh -i <<a>my-keypair-pem> ec2-user@<<a>AWS-IPv4-public-IP>
2. rails s -p <<a>port> -b

After some time, I also get this error

'packet_write_wait: Connection to <AWS-IPv4-public-IP> port 22: Broken pipe'

I did some research and can't seem to find a way to keep my application running 24/7 without having to do these steps before accessing every time. My AWS instance is on 24/7, so the website should run 24/7 as well.

Would assign an elastic IP to my instance help?

Appreciate any guidance.

EDIT: I followed this tutorial initially and that is where I found the steps mentioned above.


  • Resolved the issue with, for anyone who stumbles on this post in the future.

    Download and install mosh (mobile shell)
    Run the modified version of the command mentioned in my original question

    mosh -ssh="ssh -i <your-keypair.pem>" ec2-user@<AWS-Instance-IP>

    This resolved my packet_write_wait issues and I don't have to keep restarting the rails server.