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How do I create a folder in Team Drive?

this is my first time submitting a question, so please help me if I could ask this better.

I want to:

  • create a folder
  • in a google team drive
  • nested in an existing Team Drive folder “path”
  • from Google Apps Script, which can be in a Script file or attached to a Google Sheet

I believe these resources tell me how to create the Team Drive folder:

Plan A: Create a folder using GAS. After some research, it’s my understanding that plain GAS cannot create a folder in Team Drive yet.

[18-03-15 14:55:23:674 EDT] Execution failed: Cannot use this operation on a Team Drive item. (line 139, file "utils") [1.618 seconds total runtime]

//The folder with the current name doesn't exist - create it in the parent folder
var newFolder = DriveApp.createFolder(nextFolderName);

If I’m wrong and there is a simple way to make the addFolder() code work with Team Drive, then that would be a win.

Update 1: You can create a folder in Team Drive with plain GAS. It is folder moving that is restricted. This works:

//The folder with the current name doesn't exist - create it in the parent folder
var newFolder = currFolder.createFolder(nextFolderName);

So Plan B: Now, I’m trying to create the folder using Google Drive REST API v3. However, I’m only getting an Untitled file in my personal drive when I run my code, even though TEAM_ROOT_PATH_FOLDER_ID is in a Team Drive. I think my problem is getting the right information to UrlFetchApp.fetch. It’s like the request body isn’t being read.


Here’s my code for creating the folder using Google Apps Script and the Drive REST API:

var TEAM_ROOT_PATH_FOLDER_ID = "diPcXqabvgpX4tcZJZ-ms2Wg0bXf1Fem"; //TODO fill in based on parent folder

function test() {

function createTeamDriveFolder(parentFolderId) {

  var baseUrl = "";

  var urlParams = { //TODO correct for this function (after you figure this out)
    supportTeamDrives: true
    //,alt: "json"
    ,uploadType: "media"

  var queryString = Object.keys(urlParams).map(function(p) {
    return [encodeURIComponent(p), encodeURIComponent(urlParams[p])].join("=");

  var apiUrlStr = baseUrl + "?" + queryString;

  var token = ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
  var requestBody = {
    mimeType: "application/"
    ,name: "TeamDriveTestFolder"
    ,"parents": [parentFolderId]

  var requestBodyStr = JSON.stringify(requestBody);
  Logger.log("requestBody: " + requestBodyStr);

  var requestParams = {
    method: "POST"
    ,contentType: "application/json"
    ,contentLength: requestBodyStr.length
    ,headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}
    ,payload: requestBodyStr

  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiUrlStr, requestParams);


However, I can get a folder to appear in my personal drive (still wrong) when I run the REST call through the API test:

supportsTeamDrives > true

WORKS (TeamDriveTestFolder folder created in personal drive root):

  "mimeType": "application/",
  "name": "TeamDriveTestFolder"

FAILS (404):

  "mimeType": "application/",
  "name": "TeamDriveTestFolder",
  "parents": ["diPcXqabvgpX4tcZJZ-ms2Wg0bXf1Fem"]

I appreciate any assistance in cracking this Team folder creation.


  • For your 3rd point "Nested in an existing team drive folder", you can directly use GAS. Following is the code snippet,

    var parentFolder=DriveApp.getFolderById('folderId');
    var newFolder=parentFolder.createFolder('name'); //replace name with Folder name.

    Here you need to pass parent folder ID in folderId field. You can find this FolderID in the URL from Team Drive. In the below image '0AFmY7fi4434bUk9PVA' is the FolderID. enter image description here