Iam newbie to XamarinForms and I use visual Studio 2017. I want to add embeddedImage to my app so to the "imagepage.xaml" file I added:
embeddedImg.Source = ImageSource.FromResource("XFDemo.Images.baby.jpg");
and in "imagepage.xaml.cs" I added:
<Image x:Name="embeddedImg" Aspect="AspectFill" />
but no image appear in the app. just a blank page I can see. please note that the image exist in PCL project inside "Images" folder and I set the "Action Build" of the image to "Embedded resource".
finally I found the solution ... thats happened because Iam using xamarin live player and there is some limitations with xamarin live player one of these limitations is embedded resources. check the following link to see those limitations: