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Apache camel route not calling another camel route

I have three camel routes running fine individually, I am trying to call second route once first route is complete, but some how it is not being initiated how event third route is running once I call second route using URL jetty:http://localhost:8181/mongoSelect , I have no error on the console as well. I have already tried changing from("jetty:http://localhost:8181/mongoSelect") with direct: component, Please help me on this.


private static final String SOURCE = "file:\\workspace\\EmailResponseAutomationSTS\\response\\?noop=true";
private static final String DESTINATION = "mongodb:myDb?database=email_response&collection=emailResponse&operation=save";
private static final String QUERY_MONGO_DB = "mongodb:myDb?database=email_response&collection=emailResponse&operation=findAll";

First Route

        .process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                final EmailResponseModel erm = new EmailResponseModel();
                exchange.getIn().setBody(erm, DBObject.class);

Second Route

        .marshal(new JacksonDataFormat())

Third Route

from("direct:redis").process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {

                final String name = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
                @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unchecked" })
                List<BasicDBObject> obj = (List<BasicDBObject>) JSON.parse(name);

                for(BasicDBObject model : obj) {
                    String s = model.getString("body");
                    jedis.set("mongoData", s); 

I have already tried this approach:

First Route

        .process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                final EmailResponseModel erm = new EmailResponseModel();
                exchange.getIn().setBody(erm, DBObject.class);

Second Route

.marshal(new JacksonDataFormat())

UPDATE : Something strange is happening with my code, when I am calling second route from first route using direct:mongoSelect component, control is moving in but there is no data in response from .to(QUERY_MONGO_DB), however if I am using from("jetty:http://localhost:8181/mongoSelect") instead of from("direct:mongoSelect") in second route, I am getting data in response.

First Route

        .process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                final EmailResponseModel erm = new EmailResponseModel();
                exchange.getIn().setBody(erm, DBObject.class);

Second Route

        .process(new Processor() {
            public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
                String srt = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class);
                exchange.getIn().setBody(srt, DBObject.class);


  • You seem to be stuck, here some suggestions to go forward.

    • Your first route reads from a file and writes to mongo-db
    • Initially, it did not call the second route

    If it is a requirement that the second route is a HTTP service that listens at http://localhost:8181/mongoSelect and your first route should call it, the first route has to call the same URL.

    .to(DESTINATION) => Mongo-DB write
    .to("[call to http://localhost:8181/mongoSelect]")

    However, if it does not need to be a HTTP service, the endpoint direct:mongoSelect should work fine, as @pvpkiran suggested. But then you have other problems:

    • You write that you get no mongodb-results if you use direct:mongoSelect. That is probably because the message body from the first route is still there and therefore used as query string for mongodb.
    • Set your message body correct with .setBody() before you read from the database

    If the mongodb-query in QUERY_MONGO_DB shold read the whole collection use .setBody(constant("")) or .setBody([your mongodb-query]) if you want to read specific things.


    Finally, just from completeness, you write that you get results from mongo-db if you use the HTTP endpoint for the second route. I guess that you called the second route with a GET request and therefore the message has an empty body. That means you got back the whole collection from mongo-db.