I want to detect whether someone is performing ARP scan on network and display source IP. Unexpected no of ARP requests is sufficient to detect ARP scan. Here is my code--
import pyshark
cap = pyshark.FileCapture('arpscan.pcap',display_filter='arp.opcode==1 && arp.dst.hw_mac==00:00:00:00:00:00',only_summaries=True)
for pkt in cap:
if count>10:
print (" ")
print ("Someone is scanning your network!\n\n")
print ("For Attacker's Ip, visit 'Tell' section in summary below\n\n ")
print("----Further details----")
print "No of ARP Request Packet Received: ", count
print("----Summary of ARP packet Received---")
for pkt in cap:
print (pkt)
print ("No ARP scan identified!")
I want to extract source IP i.e IP in the tell section of packet. I failed to do that. Can somebody tell me how to display source IP in my case?
I found a solution. This can be done using scapy instead of pyshark!
from scapy.all import *
packets = sniff(offline=filename,filter='arp')
for pkt in packets:
if pkt[ARP].op==1:
if count==5:
source = pkt.sprintf("%ARP.psrc%")
source_mac = pkt.sprintf("%ARP.hwsrc%")
if count>10:
print "\nSomeone is scanning your network!"
print "Source (IP): ",source
print "Mac Address of Attacker: ",source_mac
print ("No Scan Identified!")
Also, we can access is_at and Tell field using scapy as :
operation = packet.sprintf("%ARP.op%")
if operation=="is_at":
#do stuff