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test-outpout folder not created with mvn clean install command while running Selenium webdriver script with TestNG

I created maven based Selenium project using TestNG framework. When i run command :- "mvn clean install" from the command prompt then my script runs fine but "test-output" folder doesn't created and if i run my script via Eclipse right click on testng.xml file--run and TestNGsuite then test-output folder created which contains reports.

i added plugins for surefire reports and same are working fine but at the same time i want "test-output" too folder also while running "mvn clean install" command from command prompt. pls suggest!!

because i want to configure the same in jenkins (using mvn clean install command) and want to send emailablerepots.html to my seniors.

below is my pom.xml:-

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

        <!-- Source directory configuration -->
            <!-- Following plugin executes the testng tests -->
                    <!-- Suite testng xml file to consider for test execution -->
            <!-- Compiler plugin configures the java version to be usedfor compiling 
                the code -->



     <!--  Selenium Java -->





  • I had the same problem. When I searched carefully I found all reports that previously were created in test-output folder here: ...\eclipse-workspace\<Project Name>\target\surefire-reports\