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How can I call method in child component from parent component?

I have 4 component

My component first like this :

    export default {
        updated() {
            // call check method in the component fourth

My component second like this :

    export default {

My component third like this :

    export default {

My component fourth like this :

    export default {
        methods: {
            check() {

So, if update() in component first executed, I want to call check method in the component fourth

How can I do it?


  • You can use a Vue instance as event bus.

    You would create a global variable:

    var eventHub = new Vue(); // use a Vue instance as event hub

    To emit events you would use in any component:

    eventHub.$emit('myevent', 'some value');

    And, to listen to that event, again, in any component, do:

    eventHub.$on('myevent', (e) => {
        console.log('myevent received', e)


    var eventHub = new Vue(); // use a Vue instance as event hub
    Vue.component('component-first', {
        template: "#component-first-tpl",
        data() { return {someFlag: true} },
        updated() {
          eventHub.$emit('myevent', 'some value');
    Vue.component('component-second', {
        template: "#component-second-tpl"
    Vue.component('component-third', {
        template: "#component-third-tpl"
    Vue.component('component-fourth', {
        template: "#component-fourth-tpl",
        created() {
          eventHub.$on('myevent', (e) => {
          	console.log('myevent received', e)
        methods: {
            check() {
                console.log('check called at fourth');
    new Vue({
      el: '#app',
      data: {
        message: 'Hello Vue.js!'
    <script src=""></script>
    <template id="component-first-tpl">
            someFlag: {{ someFlag }}
            <button @click="someFlag = !someFlag">Trigger update</button>
    <template id="component-second-tpl">
    <template id="component-third-tpl">
    <template id="component-fourth-tpl">
        <div><h1>I'm Number 4</h1></div>
    <div id="app">
      <p>{{ message }}</p>

    Note: If creating a dedicated instance as event hub is something complicated in your environment, you can replace eventHub with this.$root (inside your components) and use your own Vue instance as hub.