I want to use the reselect with redux-form to get the value from redux. the problem is I don't know how to combine the getFormValues with reselect. it seems that I cannot access the state in the createSelector. so that I cannot come up a way to use the redux-form's selector in the reselect.
For example:
// How to access the state here?
const getFoo = createSelector(
(bar) => {
// return something
The selector in redux works like this:
You likely want to use reselect with redux-form's selectors (which are how you get current data out of redux-form).
You can learn more about selectors here....
with an example here...
You would then use a Reselect selector with a Redux-form selector sort of like this...
const selector = formValueSelector('myForm');
const mapStateToProps = createStructuredSelector({
firstValue: (state) => selector(state, 'firstValue')
Here is another example of one being used from a different Github related subject https://github.com/erikras/redux-form/issues/1505
const formSelector = formValueSelector('myForm')
const myFieldTitle = (state) => formSelector(state, 'title')
const doSomethingWithTitleSelector = createSelector(myFieldTitle, (title) => {
return doSomethingWithTitle(title)
function doSomethingWithTitle() { ... }
const Form = reduxForm({
form: 'myForm',
export default connect(
state => ({
titleWithSomethingDone: doSomethingWithTitleSelector(state)