I have an ASP.NET page with two instances of the same Web User Control (a simple WYSIWYG editor). On submit, the WUCs do a little JavaScript magic and then proceed with a normal postback.
The first instance seems to be working, but the second fails to post changes back to the server (it reverts to the original, and posts that). I believe the problem is that the JS only fires for the first WUC. I've traced that to the following code, from the generated client-side source:
function WebForm_OnSubmit() {
prepHtml('AddEditPopup1_ctlEditorQuestion_txtEdit','AddEditPopup1_ctlEditorQuestion_divEdit', 'AddEditPopup1_ctlEditorQuestion_divHT' );
The problem seems to be that there should be two calls to prepHtml
: one for the ctlEditorQuestion
instance of the WUC, and one for the ctlEditorAnswer
Instead, there's only the one for ctlEditorQuestion
. Both controls are registering the OnSubmit event, but one of them overwrites the other.
The prepHtml
call is registered from the WUCs' C# code at runtime:
_onSubmit = String.Format("prepHtml('{0}','{1}', '{2}' );",
txtEdit.ClientID, divEdit.ClientID, divHT.ClientID);
Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(this.GetType(), "get-html", _onSubmit);
I should point out that I didn't write this control myself, and I've never seen this kind of runtime registration of OnSubmit JS code before. Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement
is totally new to me.
I need to register both prepHtml
calls so they run sequentially. Is this possible? I'm open to alternatives to Page.ClientScript.RegisterOnSubmitStatement
, so long as the code still gets fired on submit.
This should do what you want without tightly coupling the controls to the page.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
string onSubmit = string.Format("prepHtml('{0}','{1}', '{2}';",
this.Id + "_getHtml", onSubmit);
The key (as I mentioned in my comment) is the unique name. Notice that I use "this.ID" in the script name. The ID property is guaranteed to be unique within the page, so it would be a good candidate.