I have two tables (fruit, vitamin) and a many to many relation table (fruit_vitamin)
I'm listing all the fruits with their respective vitamins in a comma separated column using this query:
SELECT `fruit`.`name`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `vitamin`.`name` ORDER BY `vitamin`.`id` ASC SEPARATOR ', ') `vitamins`
FROM `fruit`
LEFT JOIN `fruit_vitamin` `fv` ON `fruit`.`id` = `fv`.`fruit_id`
LEFT JOIN `vitamin` ON `vitamin`.`id` = `fv`.`vitamin_id`
GROUP BY `fruit`.`id`
ORDER BY `fruit`.`name` ASC
here is the result:
now if I try to filter the results so I can show only the fruits with the vitamin B12 for example, adding the where clause:
WHERE `vitamin`.`id` = 4
the query show the correct fruits, but the vitamin concat result shows only the vitamin B12 although the fruits actually contain more vitamins.
what I'm doing wrong? how can I filter the results without affecting the GROUP_CONCAT?
Try this:
SELECT `fruit`.`name`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `vitamin`.`name` ORDER BY `vitamin`.`id` ASC SEPARATOR ', ') `vitamins`
FROM `fruit`
LEFT JOIN `fruit_vitamin` `fv` ON `fruit`.`id` = `fv`.`fruit_id`
LEFT JOIN `vitamin` ON `vitamin`.`id` = `fv`.`vitamin_id`
WHERE `fruit`.id IN (SELECT `fruit_id` FROM `fruit_vitamin` WHERE `vitamin_id` = 4)
GROUP BY `fruit`.`id`
ORDER BY `fruit`.`name` ASC