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Prism 7.0 Registering Modules Using a Configuration File

Im trying a hello world program in Prism.Wpf 7.0. Im trying to load a module from app.config file. Which is not working. Im using PrismApplication since UnityBootstrapper is Obsolete in Prism.Wpf 7.0.

My app.config as..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <section name="modules" type="Prism.Modularity.ModulesConfigurationSection, Prism.Wpf" />
    <module assemblyFile="ModuleA.dll" moduleType="ModuleA.ModuleAModule, ModuleA, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" moduleName="ModuleAModule" startupLoaded="True" />

My app.xaml.cs as..

internal partial class App : PrismApplication
        //ShellView _tempShellView;
        protected override Window CreateShell()
            var _tempShellView = Container.Resolve<ShellView>();
            var _tempDataContext = Container.Resolve<ShellViewModel>();
            _tempDataContext.ShellWindowClose = new Action(() => _tempShellView.Close());
            _tempShellView.DataContext = _tempDataContext;

            return _tempShellView;

        protected override void InitializeShell(System.Windows.Window shell)

        protected override IModuleCatalog CreateModuleCatalog()
            return new ConfigurationModuleCatalog();
            //return  new DirectoryModuleCatalog() {  ModulePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory };

my ModuleAModule.cs as..

public class ModuleAModule : IModule
        IRegionManager _regionManager;

        public ModuleAModule(RegionManager regionManager)
            _regionManager = regionManager;

        public void Initialize()
            _regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("ContentRegion", typeof(ViewA));

When i try this code with 6.3 its working on UnityBootstrapper. Need help on this Prism.Wpf 7.0


  • Guys thanks for viewing my post.. No i got working code.. here is my github sample code