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Android Kotlin handling exceptions on ui thread with anko doAsync

I am new to Kotlin and I have this doAsync with a custom exception handler:

doAsync(exceptionHander = {e -> handleException(e)}){
     //rest call

 private val handleException= {throwable : Throwable ->
        if(throwable is HttpClientErrorException){
            val response = JSONObject(throwable.responseBodyAsString)
            Toast.makeText(this, response["message"].toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

However the Toast is never shown. How can I show this exception message on a Toast? Is the exception handler called on the ui thread?


I have tested this way:

doAsync(exceptionHander = {e -> handleException(e)}){
      throw HttpClientErrorException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "An error has occurred")

with the same error handler, however the toast won't show.


  • Since the exception handler is called in a background thread, I used a try-catch in the doAsync bloc.

         var exception: Exception? = null
         try {
              //rest call
         catch(e: HttpClientErrorException){
              exception = e
         uiThread {
            if (exception != null){
                 // Show the exception message. 
            else {
                 // Update the UI with the result

    So this way one can handle the expected exception on the UI thread. Feedback is welcome.