The question is simple: Why does this give the wrong answer (0)
While this gives the correct answer (1)
IIf(Date()>=#3/16/2018# AND #3/16/2018#>=Date()-30,1,0)
More specifically, what is Access doing in the first case?
This situation is made even more curious because, when I execute this code, I get an unexpected answer (1)
You can't compound comparisons in Access!
Using your last example, Access first executes the first comparison:
That might result in True
or False
. Let's say it's True
Then, Access evaluates the second comparison:
True <= Date() - 30
(This is since they're processed from left to right, and the first one is true).
This doesn't make much sense, but Access can cast a boolean to a number (-1 = True, 0 = False), and a date too (for example, today = 43186, since dates are defined as the number of days elapsed since 1899-12-30).
That means the second comparison results in:
-1 <= 43186 - 30
And that's certainly true. You also see that if the first comparison is false, the second one will be true nonetheless. Your comparison will pretty much always return true.