I would like to display data on PowerBI considering the following datasets :
Here is what it's expected :
In a first time, I have tested the radial gauge. It's looking pretty good but I can't add more than one value and I would like to display all the datasets on it. It seems that it's not possible : https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Desktop/Radial-Gauge-charts-with-two-value-fields/td-p/52727
So I have tried the cumulative graph but it doesn't have a target field.
Then I have played with the bullet graph but the issue is the same than the radial gauge.
So do you know how to display three values fields and a target on a PowerBI visual ?
Thanks by advance.
It's not exactly what you're asking for, but you can get the same idea using a stacked bar chart.
To duplicate this, use Target
as the Axis, Status
as the Legend, and Values
as the Value: