I'm using Spotfire and would like to know if there's a way of updating or removing a calculated column using IronPython code.
Let's pretend I have a table with:
| Column 1 | Column 2| Column 3 | Calculated Column |
So, every time I run a specific script, I want it to change the values of the calculated Column.
PS: I already have the below code to create the column if needed. So, if there is at least a way of deleting the column, it would also work for me.
from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import CalculatedColumn
newColExpr = "TRIM([myTableCol])"
the following code will work for you:
newColName = "col"
Document.Data.Tables["Data Table"].Columns.Remove(newColName)
(you don't need to import any classes for this one)
you can find additional info in the API documentation.